16" Clara / Marie Plush Stand-up Doll (2 styles available)
16" Clara / Marie Plush Stand-up Doll (2 styles available)
16" Clara / Marie Plush Stand-up Doll (2 styles available)

16" Clara / Marie Plush Stand-up Doll (2 styles available)

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$ 16.85
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These handmade 16” dolls are printed with a detailed Clara / Marie character holding her Nutcracker on the front and a festive miniature Nutcracker Ballet print on the back.

Each doll has a pouch of aquarium stones inside the foot of each doll that weight them so they will stand up!  An adorable way to remember and celebrate a performing experience. The back panel could even be signed with a permanent marker or other suitable pen to use as an autograph pillow! (Pen not included.)

Handmade in the USA of US and imported materials.

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